Creates token, which you have to pass every time in header
"access_token": "49ff475fc5394b93b75bf817c4e624fd832de4bb44639405e5061b453c4a05f6",
"expires_in": 15552000,
"token_type": "bearer",
"refresh_token": "e7e432997e8e24dc75b854cfc74692307ae15e7a82ee74de8ecf7db9be10d616"
Invalidates token. You cannot use it for login anymore.
"access_token": "6c1676d586c4fd9298205dbacd6231208630e3af7c1c8083ede02d0658b98789",
"grant_type": "invalidate"
Token was deleted
"result": true
Probabely wrong access_token, or request structure
"result": false
Invalidates token. You cannot use it for login anymore.
Returns new access and refresh Token
"access_token": "7c3dce...",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 15552000,
"refresh_token": "8892be..."
Probabely wrong access_token/refresh_token or token expired
"error": "invalid_grant",
"error_description": "Givent grant token is invalid or expired"
Default (starting) URL
Returns JSON of projects array
STATUS can have values 1 (as active) and 2 (as closed)
"projects": [
"id": "<project_id>",
"name": "<project_name>",
"status": "<status>",
"start": "<start_date>",
"end": "<end_date>"
Returns JSON of projects array
"projects": [
"id": 797,
"name": "Project name",
"status": 1,
"start": "2011-02-01",
"end": "2011-02-15"
"id": 802,
"name": "Another project name ",
"status": 2,
"start": "2011-02-01",
"end": "2011-02-15"
Same response as Homepage (above). URL is different
Detail info about project
Returns JSON with project info
STATUS may have values 1 (active) or 2 (closed)
"id": "<project_id>",
"name": "<project_name>",
"status": "<status>",
"start": "<start_date>",
"end": "<end_date>",
Returns JSON of project info
"id": 797,
"name": "Project Name",
"status": 1,
"start": "2011-02-01",
"end": "2011-02-15"
Returns JSON with forms array. Each form has id and URL to form detail
Returns JSON of forms array
"forms": [
"id": "<form_id>",
"last_saved": "<form_last_saved>",
Returns JSON of forms array
"forms": [
"id": 1,
"last_saved": "2021-10-08 10:06:13",
"id": 3,
"last_saved": null
Returns JSON with detail info of form
Returns JSON with form info
STATUS can be 1 (form to publish) or 2 (form to publish to all)
LAST SAVED Date and time the form was last modified (Y-m-d H:i:s)
There are three types of questions:
There are two types of indexes based on main index visibility:
"id": "<form_id>",
"status": "<status>",
"last_saved": "<last_saved>",
"index": [
"index_points": "<index_points>",
"index_max_points": "<index_max_points>",
"index": "<index>",
"category_id": "<category_id>",
"index_points": "<index_points>",
"index_max_points": "<index_max_points>",
"index": "<index>",
"questions": [
"id": "<question_id>",
"value": "<question_value>"
"id": "<question_id>",
"option_id": "<option_id>"
"id": "<question_id>",
"attachments": [
"attachment_name": "<attachment_name>",
"attachment_size": "<size>",
"attachment_link": "<attachment_url>"
"attachment_name": "<attachment_name>",
"attachment_size": "<size>",
"attachment_link": "<attachment_url>"
Returns JSON with form info
"id": 10,
"status": 1,
"last_saved": "2021-10-07 18:20:56",
"index": [
"index_points": 28,
"index_max_points": 100,
"index": 28,
"category_id": 75153,
"index_points": 28,
"index_max_points": 100,
"index": 28,
"questions": [
"id": "T1",
"value": 10,
"id": "T2",
"option_id": 1588,
"id": "ATTACHMENT1",
"attachments": [
"attachment_name": "IMG_20201010_101010.jpg",
"attachment_size": 2001493,
"attachment_link": ""
"attachment_name": "IMG_20201111_111111.jpg",
"attachment_size": 2097853,
"attachment_link": ""
Returns JSON with questions structure
Returns JSON with questions structure
There is more types of question type
Question can have category. Which is set by index_category_id. This category can have parent category, this is set by index_supercategory_id.
Fieldset_id is an id of fieldset. By fieldset are questions grouped together. Info about fieldset can be found bellow
index is number of points user can get for specific answer
In example response are all 4 posible types as example
"questions": [
"id": "<question_id>",
"name": "<question_name>",
"type": "text",
"type_text": "<type_text>",
"index_category_id": "<category_id>",
"index_supercategory_id": "<supercategory_id>",
"fielset_id": "<fieldset_id>",
"id": "<question_name>",
"name": "<question_name>",
"type": "single_response",
"values": [
"option_id": "<option_id>",
"value": "<option_value>",
"option_id": "<option_id>",
"value": "<option_value>",
"index": "<index>"
"index_category_id": "<category_id>",
"index_supercategory_id": "<supercategory_id>",
"fielset_id": "<fieldset_id>"
"id": "<question_id>",
"name": "<question_name>",
"type": "multiple_response",
"value": "<question_title>",
"multiple_response_set_name": "<multiple_response_set_name>",
"index_category_id": "<category_id>",
"index_supercategory_id": "<supercategory_id>",
"fielset_id": "<fieldset_id>",
"id": "<question_id>",
"name": "<question_name>",
"attachment_type": "attachment",
"index_category_id": "<category_id>",
"index_supercategory_id": "<supercategory_id>",
"fielset_id": "<fieldset_id>",
Returns JSON with questions structure
"questions": [
"id": "A1",
"name": "Typ scénáře",
"type": "text",
"type_text": "text",
"index_category_id": 6787,
"index_supercategory_id": 6788,
"fielset_id": 1234,
"variable": "F3",
"name": "F3. Navázal s Vámi oční kontakt?",
"type": "single_response",
"options": [
"option_id": "1",
"value": "ano",
"index": 3
"option_id": "2",
"value": "ne",
"index": 0
"option_id": "3",
"value": "nezodpovězeno"
"index_category_id": 6787,
"index_supercategory_id": 6788,
"fieldset_id": 1234,
"id": "B4",
"name": "Nesplněná kritéria",
"type": "multiple_response",
"value": Titulek otázky,
"multiple_response_set_name": "Nesplněná kritéria",
"index_category_id": 6787,
"fielset_id": 1235,
"variable": "ATTACHMENT1",
"name": "M2. Příloha",
"attachment_type": "image,others",
"index_category_id": 6787,
"index_supercategory_id": 6788,
"fieldset_id": 1234,
Returns JSON with categories
Returns JSON with categories
type_of_category can be category or super_category
If id super_category, then there is property default_index. That can have values true or false. If is true, then TODO
"categories": [
"id": "<category_id>",
"name": "<category_name>",
"type": "<type_of_category> ",
"default_index": "<default_index>"
Returns JSON with categories
"categories": [
"id": 6787,
"name": "Category 1 name",
"type": "category"
"id": 6788,
"name": "Category se Single response 22",
"type": "super_category",
"default_index": false
"id": 6789,
"name": "Category se Single response 22",
"type": "super_category",
"default_index": true
Returns JSON with fieldsets. By fieldset are questions grouped together
Returns JSON with fieldsets
"fieldsets": [
"id": "<fieldset_id>",
"name": "<fieldset_name>"
Returns JSON with questions structure
"fieldsets": [
"id": 1234,
"name": "Fieldset 1 name"
"id": 1235,
"name": "Fieldset 2 name"
Returns attachment